Friday, May 6, 2011

Organic vs. Conventional, Brand vs. Generic and other things

Ahh, spring is here.  Birds are singing, days are warmer, flowers blooming, baseball season opening up and so on and so on.  Many people are starting or already have started their own vegetable gardens to enjoy produce grown by themselves.  For those who don't have a garden but still want to enjoy fresh and delicious vegetables, they sometimes find themselves in a quandry in deciding between organic vs. conventional at the local supermarket.  Both sides make valid arguments, personally it doesn't matter to me, just as long as it is fresh.  I can tell a difference in how I feel personally when I eat whole foods as opposed to processed.  I feel better, have much more energy and seem to not have too many aches and pains.

Sometimes though, we don't get enough of the necessary vitamins and minerals.  For that, there are supplements that are available.  Here at Heritage Pharmacy, we carry a wide selection of supplements ranging from the various B vitamins to Omega-3's, glucosamine, zinc, etc.  and if we don't have specifically what you are looking for, we will do our absolute best to have it in for you on the next business day if possible. Plus, Heritage Pharmacy has a wealth of information in the form of Dennis Satchell.  He is able to answer almost any questions regarding supplements and how they may interact with any prescription medication you may be taking at the time.

On some occasions, customers will ask the difference between name brand and generic drugs , thinking that one might be better for them than the other.  The answer that we provide is that all brand drugs have a generic name, but a generic option may not be available at this time due to patent rights or just decisions made by the manufacturer.  As far as whether one is better than the other, the generic drug has the exact same ingredients as the brand name and it is up to you as to which option you prefer.  More often than not, the generic version is less expensive than the brand name, but the final decision is ultimately up to you.  Depending on your body chemistry, you may metabolize certain brands or types differently than others, which is one reason why it is important to have a knowledgable pharmacist and physician who you are comfortable dealing with for advice on your medication.

On another note, May 6-12 is National Nurses Week.  If you are a nurse, thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou for all that you do.  If you aren't, thank the nurse you know.  Speaking from experience with the ones we have around here, they are all dedicated, hard working people who want to make sure that you get the best care possible.  Once again nurses, THANK YOU!!

Finally, the U6 Little Ponies (aka Little Pills) sponsored by Heritage Pharmacy finished another successful season.  They ran into last year's championship team in the quarterfinals of the tournament and put up a valliant effort against a very good team.  All of the kids did a great job this year and the coaching staff of Brian Gilles and Stephen Osterholt did a superb job of not only teaching the kids the game of soccer, but also making it fun for them as well. 

So now it is time to bid adieu, and thank you dear reader, for reading our latest entry to the internet. We hope that you find these tidbits informative and somewhat enjoyable.  If you have any questions at all, please do not ever hesitate to give us a call at (405) 375-6300 or shoot us a message on Facebook or email at  We also would like to thank you for your support in our effort to provide quality service from people you know and ask that if you have any friends or family that have not paid a visit to us here at the "pharm", to let them know that our doors are always open from 7:30 am- 9:30 pm Monday-Saturday and from 9-6 on Sunday.

Thanks again and we hope to see you again soon.

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