Thursday, October 27, 2011

It's The End of The World As We Know It- or could be anyway

Just recently the group R.E.M. announced that they were calling it enough.  One of my favorite songs by them was "It's the End of the World As We Know It", mainly because it was fun to yell out  LEONARD BERNSTEIN!!  Still one of my favorite bands and definitely enjoyed the time I was able to spend with Michael Stipe and Mike Mills in Cincinnati.

Anyway, the Oklahoma State Employee and Educators Group Insurance Board (OSEEIG or Satan's Army) recently announced the changes to the health care plan offered to their members.  One such change was requiring maintenance medications to be filled in 90-day supplies by mail order rather than at the local pharmacy.  Now sure, they could get their meds at the local pharmacy but they would have to pay for half of the cost of the medication, rather than their usual co-pay for a 30-day supply.  That's why I said required earlier, because it's a no brainer as to which to choose.

If this is allowed to happen, 1 out of every 5 retail pharmacies in Oklahoma will close.  OSEEIG has over 700,000 members in the state.  It will cost the state's economy over $75 million in revenue.  Community pharmacies donate 350% more to local nonprofits such as schools, fire departments, police, parks and much more. 

Now think about this, they are giving you a 90 day supply of MAINTENANCE medication.  When you maintain something, you monitor it- you evaluate it.  They call blood pressure and diabetic medications maintenance medications.  So many things can change in a 3 month period that if you were having any problems or side effects from the meds, who do you call?  I asked that very question to a member of Satan's Army and her response was that it was up to the prescribing physician to go over all side effects of the medication.  Well, I pursued, what if the patient goes to many doctors and one physician prescribes something that causes severe interactions with another one of the patient's medications?  The patient needs to know what they are taking said Sgt. Lucifer. 

Folks, I'm here to tell you that even though I have been working with Mr. Satchell for over a year and read and conduct research on my own that I cannot tell you all the possible interactions or side effects of the medications I take, much less an elderly person who is taking many different meds.

Mail order can't provide service like a local pharmacy can.  Mail order can't take you your medications on the day you ask for them like a local pharmacy can. Mail order can't correct mistakes (which happen more frequently in mail order companies than brick and mortar pharmacies) in a timely manner.  Mail order doesn't know your history, or for lack of a better word, your HERITAGE like a local pharmacy does.  Mail order can't possibly tell you about your families health history. Mail order can't open up at all hours of the night to fill an order that was forgotten for your 3 month old baby that can't breathe. Mail order can't tell you how a vitamin you have in your hand will interact with your blood pressure medicine, or how since you are diabetic you need to be careful with what cough medications you take. 

So why, why, would Satan's Army choose to go with a mail order requirement? 


Oh, I failed to mention this.  The mail order company?  The very same company that sells the insurance plan.  The insurance company tells Satan's Army that they can save so much in premiums by going with mail order.  Although the members won't feel it because according to the insurance plan, other aspects of health care costs have skyrocketed.  In actuality, those savings are lining the pockets of Satan's Army. Don't believe me? Well, this "deal" was made without required documentation that the program was completely vetted.  Not one of the members of the board has any medical or pharmaceutical training or background.  You be the judge.

As far as the world ending?  This is just the first domino that is poised to topple the lines that are already treacherous to begin with. 

How can we stop it? 

Communication with your plan administrators, your representatives in Congress BOTH state and federal.

The best way is to keep your eyes open and think.  With the strength and amount of drugs becoming available, you want to have someone knowledgeable about them at your disposal. 

Not answering a phone in the Philipines.